A video surfaced from South Africa which shows a woman being lynched by a mob. After a good deal of beating, kicks to the head and stomps on the neck, the woman’s lifeless body was treated to blows from a mallet and the back of an axe.
The (un)official story has it that the woman was killed by supporters of ANC for allegedly voting for the opposing party COPE. The African National Congress (ANC), of course, was funded and run by a Lithuanian Communist and Stalinist Jew Joe Slovo. The most prominent member of the ANC was the designated terrorist, a man who was on the U.S. Terrorist Watch List until 2008 – Nelson Mandela.
This is not the first time we’ve seen the South African’s finest lynch a person, as it’s also not the first time we’ve seen them lynch a woman.
Best Gore member sa_expatDRC sent us this email:
Good morning ladies, gentlemen and things in between.
I found Best Gore just under a year ago while trying to find information on the Syrian “conflict” and have been a fan ever since
I’ve hated my country and its people for as long as I can remember, how ignorant the white people are thinking that just because they got a nice house and car everything in sa is fine. Then a video like this pops up and all of a sudden they’re all sad and press share on Facebook…
The story is apparently the woman being attacked voted for the opposing party COPE instead of ANC and she paid for it with her life. The back story may not be true but there’s jumps, kicks, screams a sledge hammer and some dumb fuck who doesn’t know how to use an axe.
Props to sa_expatDRC and cholera182 who both hooked us up with the video: